Enhancing Course Delivery Model: In an initiative that aims to enhance course structure and delivery within the Learning Management System, the CTL team, in conjunction with the College of Arts and Sciences (CoAS), conceptualized an exemplary course template guided by research and best practices in course delivery. For more information on the project please visit the CTL portal
International Conference Presentations - Members of CTL presented at two international conferences during the fall semester. The team presented at the Online Learning Consortium 2022 Innovate conference in Dallas, Texas (USA). The presentations focused on using digital spaces to enhance the delivery of academic programs. A member of the CTL team also presented virtually at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovation in Academic Research, which was held in Osaka, Japan. This presentation focused on the impact of micro-teaching on learning and cognition.
Invited International Speakers - As part of the CTL’s effort to provide continuous faculty development opportunities, the CTL, in collaboration with the Department of English, held a two-day event on "Researching Teaching and Learning" led by Prof. Peter De Costa. Dr. De Costa is an Associate Professor and the Director of the MATESOL Program at MSU.
Tech Spotlight
Panopto is a software that provides lecture recording, screencasting, video streaming, and video content management. It is seamlessly integrated with Blackboard and is trusted by 22 of the world's top 25 universities. With CTL’s support, Khalifa University (KU) faculty members have been using Panopto efficiently in various applications. If you are interested in knowing more about the tool, contact us at ctl@ku.ac.ae or visit the Panopto website.
Student Academic Enhancement
Python for Data Analysis Course – a 6-week course designed for UG and PG students interested in data analysis with little or no prior knowledge, was launched in spring 2022. The course focuses on data preprocessing, assessment, and visualization using the Python programming language and the CODELAB Python tool integrated with Blackboard. The next session will be offered in June.
Coursera Partnership - With online learning now core to the student learning experience, KU partnered with Coursera in April 2021. Based on the partnership, all KU community members now have access to the Partner Consortium Program (PC Khalifa). This content-sharing program allows Coursera’s university partners to share and access content for their students, faculty, and staff. You can access the PC Khalifa Program using your KU email account.
Upcoming Events
PD Week - A flagship KU Professional Development Program launched in January 2020 is the core for KU faculty and students to gain new insights, perspectives, and skills focused on teaching and learning. Save the next PD Week date, August 22 -26th, 2022. We are looking for KU faculty and PG presenters – get in touch with us.
2nd Experiential Learning Symposium- The 2nd Annual Experiential Learning (ExL) Symposium will be held from November 2nd till November 4th, 2022. This symposium is a wonderful opportunity for KU students to showcase their enriched out-of-classroom learning experiences gained from internships, Service-Learning, Clinical Education, Student Teaching, Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research, Startup, Fieldwork, and other Learning experiences. Participating in the symposium will allow students to enhance their communication skills. It will also enable them to reflect on and share their learning experience with their peers and faculty. Stay tuned for more information from the CTL.
About T&F
Taylor & Francis is a United Kingdom based publisher established in 1798. Taylor & Francis partners with world-class authors, from leading scientists and researchers to scholars and professionals operating at the top of their fields Taylor & Francis Group works in partnership with editors, societies, associations, and librarians to publish more than 145,000 book titles and 2,700 journals under highly regarded imprints including Routledge, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Cogent OA and Dove Medical Press.
KU subscription coverage
Khalifa University valued users have access to the Social Science & Humanities Library and Science & Technology Library. Access for all articles from 1997 until YTD.
Social Science & Humanities Library Consists of 1480 + Journals which gives access to over 1 million peer reviewed article and over 32K volume of research ranging from the area of Anthropology, archaeology and Heritage, art & heritage to sociology and social sciences.
Science & Technology Library Consists of 530 + Journals which gives access to over 790K peer reviewed article and over 13.1K volume of research. It covers 6 key disciplines including Biological, Earth, Environmental & Food Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Computing & Technology, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Sports Science & Medicine
Medical collection trial
There was an activated trial for Taylor and Francis Medical Portfolio from 14th of March 2022 to 14th of April 2022. The access includes both:
Open access publishing
Khalifa University researchers regularly publish their research articles with Taylor and Francis.
Publications of Khalifa University of Science & Technology with Taylor and Francis 2016-2021
Taylor & Francis is accessible though the library e-resources page
ANSWER: The publication/journal Finder is a helpful and smart tool that allows you to locate, browse and discover publications, as it contains the full-text of all the electronic journals that the library subscribes to. The searches in the journal finder can be done by title, subject or ISSN. The results page will display the list of publications and the databases that are available in with the date range of the coverage.
The UAE’s annual Month of Reading has been celebrated in March every year since it was first created in 2017. The initiative was established to create an environment of reading for fun and improve literacy in the Emirates.
This year's theme was ‘UAE Reads’, with an aim to motivate the strengthening of reading habits among the various communities in the UAE.
The Month of Reading is integral to the UAE’s vision of promoting and preparing a generation of readers and to make the Emirates a knowledge hub. As part of this vision, Khalifa University Libraries, in collaboration with various departments (English Department, CTL, Student Life, Student Counselor and Literature Club), launched a creative range of activities and events to the University’s community.
These exciting activities were incorporated in a number of virtual and in-person sessions
This year's the library initiatives were a resounding success. The library is committed to celebrating the Month of Reading every year, with a goal to motivate people in the UAE of all ages to read every day, as reading is a key component of education and professional development, and enriches everyone's daily lives.
Dr. Glenda El Gamal, Senior Lecturer and Dr. Mark Wyatt, Associate Professor in the English Department in the College of Arts and Sciences, are sharing their expertise in their new edited volume to be published by Routledge. The volume provides an overview and assessment of the use of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) at different levels of education in the Arabian Peninsula with reference to UAE in particular.
The book considers EMI from both sociolinguistic and pedagogical perspectives and explores practical implications in relation to the key themes in teaching EMI in the Arabian Gulf, in both school and tertiary contexts. Like some other parts of the world such as Asia and Europe, EMI policies have been adopted at all levels of education in the Gulf countries. However, EMI in this region has not yet received book-length treatment. This book is the first volume to provide an in-depth exploration of EMI at different levels of education. Generating insights into the local take-up of EMI and providing implications for a contextually responsive policy implementation promises to be the main attraction of the proposed book. The book “English as a Medium of Instruction on the Arabian Peninsula’ is published by Routledge and copies will be available in the Khalifa University Libraries.
The current stage of development of electronic information and intelligence is forcing the university to change its traditional teaching methods. Scientific research has become the most important means of lifelong learning in the university teaching process. Consequently, the role of the library has grown; it is a vital pillar for students to obtain information sources. This role is not limited to the library, but also to the librarian who strives to work outside it. The role of librarian in the educational process is to develop information awareness skills for teachers and students. Relatedly, lifelong learning is the "continuous, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit" of knowledge for personal or professional reasons. It not only promotes social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also self-sustainability, competitiveness, and employability.
The knowledge-based economy depends on the use of ideas and not structural capabilities. It depends on the use of technology and not on the transformation of raw materials or the exploitation of cheap labor. It is an economy in which knowledge is created, acquired, transformed, and used more effectively with individuals, enterprises, organizations, and societies to support and encourage economic and social growth (The World Bank, 2003).
Academic libraries support the objectives of higher education institutions by directly reflecting curriculum content and supporting broader learning, research and thought exploration activities. The professional work of academic librarians includes supporting clear curriculum objectives through activities such as the provision and maintenance of printed and online materials, group/individual education, workshop, and classrooms. However, their work also includes many activities that support informal and informal self-learning opportunities for students and faculty, often for other members of the community.
Lifelong learning results from the integration of formal and informal education, in order to create the ability to enhance the quality of life. Learning happens at all times and in all places. It is a lifelong process, and involves learning from families, communities, schools, religious institutions, workplaces, and more. Achieving inclusive and quality education for all points out that education is the strongest means of achieving sustainable development. Meeting this goal requires that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary education by 2030. It aims to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, eliminate differences in access to education on the basis of sex or wealth, insuring universal access to high-quality education. (Sustainable Development Goals, 2022).
Therefore, the provision of lifelong learning is the most important investment in education, income and education. It is an investment in the creation of generations of learners. It is the energizing force that generates the interaction energy between the educational sciences and the educational materials, and direct participation in the educational process has changed the status of the librarian from a passive viewer to an active participant in the events of teaching and learning.
Sustainable Development Goals. (2022). Sustainable Development Goal 4 . Retrieved from https://sdg4education2030.org/the-goal
The World Bank. (2003). Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy: Challenges for Developing Countries. Washington: The World Bank.
Reviewed by Muna Abdulla
Reading the ‘Ikigai’ book will take you to a whole new different level. The book introduces the concept of Ikigai in a very interesting way to the world and gives the tools so you can find your own Ikigai. It’s a book worth reading!
‘Ikigai’ is a Japanese concept and the secret to living a long, happy, and purposeful life. It focuses on finding meaning in life. In addition, while reading this book, you will learn about the Japanese culture and their lifestyles.
The authors identified the factors behind longevity. They’ve interviewed a community of Japanese people in Okinawa who are known to be the longest-lived people on Earth. Those residents who are 100 years of age and more have many things in common, but finding Ikigai is the most important to them, and gives their life meaning and purpose.
The book highlights the supercentenarians of Okinawa’s stories, healthy habits of eating, work, movement exercises, and beliefs these make use of every single day, as well as the ways they live that they believe have allowed them to live such a happy and long lives.
The authors conclude with 10 rules of Ikigai from these long-living residents. It could be hard for us to adopt all these rules, however, some are very easy to implement.
This short review cannot do justice to the content of the book as it is rich in inspirational lessons and thoughts. It’s a self-help book and a highly recommended read, because of the importance of the subject it covers.
Perhaps even more important than owning an object is knowing where it is so that it can be accessed and used. If an item cannot be found, then it is no different than not owning that item. This is just as true for information as it is for other objects. A book that cannot be found is of no use to an owner, just as a car is useless if it cannot be found because you forgot where you parked it. Once a library collection grows beyond a few hundred items, it becomes necessary to keep track of the items with some sort of organized system. Ancient libraries, which were much smaller than modern libraries, frequently relied on the memory of the librarians for finding material.
The earliest recorded example of an organizational system was the Pinakes (Greek for "Tables") used at the Library of Alexandria. This work was a simple list of authors and their works, and may have been only 120 scrolls long. (A prominent historian of the ancient world has estimated all the printed works up to the 3rd Century BC would have fit on fewer than 50,000 scrolls.)
After the creation of the printing press, the number of works multiplied over and over again, and keeping up with the metadata (authors, titles, location, subjects, etc.) about these works became beyond the ability of any individual. Into the early 19th Century, most libraries had no way of tracking what material they owned.
Libraries initially tried to print books that listed their holdings, but as collections grew, these books were frequently out of date before they were even printed. By the mid-19th Century, librarians began to use the innovative "technology" of card catalogs. A card catalog involved small printed cards that fit into drawers, with multiple cards for each book in the collection, including separate cards for a books author, title, and subjects. Because the cards were individual and resortable and independently updateable (unlike a printed book), it was easy to add new cards to a catalog. But even these systems sometimes involved lags of months between the acquisition of a book and its cards being including in the catalog.
The 1980s saw the introduction of the computerized card catalog. These systems allowed much faster searching and faster updating of records, as well as allowing libraries to share information with each other. The development of these computer systems led to the creation of our current use of technology, where specialized software packages for Library Management Systems (LMS) are used by nearly every library in the world, large or small. These systems provide tools for librarians to catalog, categorize, and manage all functions of the library collection. It is these systems that librarians use to help you find a book on the subject you are researching, check the book out to you, and send you notices to remind you to return the book. The systems help librarians perform inventory on the collection to look for missing items. They help librarians purchase new materials. And they provide a map to find the items within the collection. Without these systems, libraries would be useless collections of knowledge that could never be found when needed.
Your opinion matters, please drop us an email at: libnewsletter@ku.ac.ae