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KU Medical Library - Public Health Information

Finding Public Health Websites

Beyond the KU Medical Library's subscription resources, there are many websites related to Public Health including information from articles, statistics, and patient information.

EBP and Guides

  • Community Guide: From the US government this site is a collection of evidence-based recommendations and findings used for improving public health.
  • Health Evidence: This resource from the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools in Canada offers resources to support public health decision making, including public health interventions.
  • What Works for Health (UWISC) logoWhat Works for HealthFrom the University of Wisconsin, the "CHR&R aims to grow a shared understanding of health, equity and the power of communities to improve health for all."

Patient Health Information Websites

  • Image for MedlinePlusMedlinePlus: From the US National Library of Medicine, this free resource contains a mix of information aimed at health care consumers. Primarily in English and Spanish, it does contain some information in other languages including Arabic.
  • This websibe from the US government offers a search tool as well as access to scientific information (including Public Health topics) from various American federal agencies.

Other Public Health Websites