Science Direct Refine your Search
The Refine filters feature shows you the number of documents in your search results, in a variety of categories. It uses to refine your search results list by year, publication title, topics, and content type.
It is located on the left side of your search results list.
Year |
The publication year of an article. Years are listed in descending order. If documents from more than 20 years are found by your search, the first 20 years are listed in the Refine filters panel and the remaining years are merged into one category. |
Publication Title |
The title of the journal or book in which a document was published. |
Topics |
The main subjects of a document. To determine a topic, the entire document is processed and key terms are extracted. These terms are weighted for the frequency of occurrence and placement in the article. The top 10 terms appear in Refine filters as topics. |
Content Type |
Do I have access to all Science Direct e-books and Journal articles?
No, there will be icon located in the right of a book chapter or journal article indicates full text access or abstract only.
ScienceDirect uses several different icons to indicate a document’s access level.
The table below shows different access levels used for all content.
Document Type |
Access Level |
Abstract Only |
Full-Text Available |
Downloading Full-Text
ScienceDirect full-text articles are available in PDF files for downloading (save). There are two ways to download articles.
First option, is right under the article in the search results list. See below
The second option, at the top of the article information page “download PDF”. See below.
Open Access (Free Full-Text)
Open Access articles are always freely available in full-text without subscription.
To browse or access “open access” articles, follow these steps:
Click “Journals” or “Book” option on the top bar of the ScienceDirect website.
Click the filter “All Access Types” and select “Open Access” from the dropdown menu.
To search for “Open Access” articles, follow these steps: