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Design Thinking for Educators and Librarians: Resouces

Finding Books in KU OPAC

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In addition to design thinking, the library has many books on various aspects of product design and development. Please check out these subjects:  

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KU Library Books on Design Thinking

Materials Property Data

CRC handbook of chemistry and physics

ASM Alloy Phase Diagrams Center

Database of more than 11,000 binary and ternary phase diagrams and associated phase data for more than 2400 systems in metals and materials engineering.

ASM materials information. Alloy Center

Search in one easy step across ASM property data, performance charts, and processing guidelines for specific metals and alloys. The ASM Alloy Center includes the following 5 content areas:Data Sheets & Diagrams, Alloy Finder, Materials Property Data,  Coatings Data and Corrosion Data.
Wiley Database of Polymer Properties
Contains experimentally determined and selected data for over 2,500 polymers. Search features include the ability to search for polymers matching specific properties or ranges of properties, the ability to create custom tables for all the properties of a specific polymer, and the ability to access the full-text html for references.