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How to publish a research paper: Impact Factor and H-index

This guide is designed to help you prepare your papers to be published in scholarly peer reviewed journals. Tips and some useful advice.

The Impact Factor and H-index

•The Impact factor is the average number of citations to articles published in that journal. It is calculated from the journal citation report or JCR published by Thomson Reuters.
•The impact factor represents the previous year.
•For journals
•The H-index
•The Hirsch index.
•The scientists most cited papers and the number of citations they have received.
•The H-index measures simultaneously the quantity and quality of scientific output.
For more details please go here

Eigenfactor Score

•It is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal.
•Measures the importance of a journal.
•Considers the origin of the incoming citations + average researchers access to the journal content
•Scores adjust for citation differences across disciplines
•Calculations based on citations received over a 5 years period.