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Presentation Tips: The Presenter

This guide explains the best practices in writing effective presentations

Facilitation Skills

A Definition:

Facilitate v.t., to make easy or easier. From facile, easy, working with ease.

Chambers English Dictionary, 1989 edition

The job of the facilitator is to support clients in getting to the right place for them.

It doesn’t matter if the facilitator agrees with the strategic aims of the client. The facilitator is there to help the client to articulate, and then reach, their aims, not the aims of the facilitator.

The presenter:

The role of the presenter is to communicate with the audience and control the presentation.

Remember, though, that this may also include handing over the control to your audience, especially if you want some kind of interaction.


The audience receives the presenter’s message(s).

However, this reception will be filtered through and affected by such things as the listener’s own experience, knowledge and personal sense of values.


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