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ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): Home

ORCiD @ Khalifa University

Create an ORCiD at ,

complete your profile



Why do I connect my ORCiD with KU?

Khalifa Univerity is an institutional member of ORCID and ORCiD database is integrated with KU information system. Sharing your ORCID and profile with KU allows the University to:

  • Harvest your publication details for administrative and reporting purposes.
  • Populate your publications to  KU repository

Complete your profie


Please complete your profile with your Education, Employment, funding and works (publications) details.  If you haven’t done this already, logon to ORCID ( with your credentials to complete the profile.


I registered for my ORCID iD. . . now what?

It takes about 30 seconds to register for your ORCID iD. Then what? Take a few minutes to add information that is important to distinguish you and improve the functionality of the ORCID search and link wizards, namely any of your name variations, multiple email addresses, and organizational affiliations. Then, take a few more minutes and use our wizards to import information on your existing works and link to other identifiers. Finally, to make the most of your ORCID iD, use it! Read on to learn more about managing your ORCID record.

When do I need to use my ORCID ID?

Publishers may ask for your ORCID ID when you submit a manuscript, and the option to include your ORCID ID in your application is now available from major funding organizations.

How does having an ORCID ID help Khalifa University?

Linking your ORCID ID helps Khalifa University in Faculty profile data collection and also to identify and upload your publications in to the university repository

Will the University create an ORCID ID for me?
No, you will need to register yourself.

What makes ORCID different from other researcher IDs and profiles?
It's being adopted worldwide by researchers, universities, funding organizations and publishers and can be integrated with institutional and publisher systems.

Who manages my ORCID profile?
You do! You can choose the level of detail included, or designate a Trusted Individual to edit your profile on your behalf.

What about privacy?
You control the privacy settings and can set items to be visible only to everyone, trusted organizations, or only you.

What happens if I leave Khalifa University?
Your ORCID ID remains the same and travels with you. Update your email address in your profile settings.

What is ORCID ?

is a unique identifier for researchers.  It allows research activities to be accurately attached to individuals over time, across institutions and across multiple information systems. For more details visit: What is ORCID?

Having an ORCID ID

  • Will make your work discoverable by others
  • Connects your research to you throughout your career, no matter how your name appears in publication
  • Distinguishes you from other researchers with similar names
  • Minimizes the time you spend filling out forms when submitting research or applying for grants
  • Is required by many major journal publishers and funders

Once registered, you can import the papers from your Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID,  and Google Scholar and many other sources. 

Four Ways to Make Your ORCID iD Work for You!

  1. Automatic updates to your record as you publish. Authorize Crossref and/or DataCite - the main DOI providers for research publications - to automatically update your record whenever you publish a journal article or dataset. Crossref will ask your permission to after your paper has been accepted - look out for an email from them and, when prompted, sign in to your ORCID account and authorize them to update your record. You can activate DataCite’s auto-update feature yourself, independently of the publication process. Simply set up a DataCite profile and enable the ORCID Auto-Update functionality. After that, your ORCID record will automatically update every time one of your works is published. Crossref or DataCite will appear as the source of the information. Often your record will be updated before the article even publishes!

  2. Connect to your existing works. Use the ORCID Search & Link tools. Eleven of ORCiD member organizations so far have created these tools, which enable you to quickly and easily connect your works to your record. You can import information from some of the biggest databases, like Crossref Metadata Search, ResearcherID, and ScopusID; from discipline specific databases like Europe PubMed Central and the MLA International Bibliography; and country and/or language-specific databases such as Airiti, KoreaMed, and Redalyc. Select the Search & Link option under Add Works in the Works section of your ORCID record, choose the database you want to connect with, and grant permission for it to access and update your ORCID record. You’ll be presented with a list of publications that match the information in your record, and you simply claim the ones that are yours. They will immediately appear in your ORCID record, with the relevant database showing as the source.

  3. Connect to your existing grants. Use the UberResearch Search & Link tool. This works in much the same way as the Search & Link tools for works, enabling you to quickly and easily connect your grants and awards to your record. Click on the Search & Link option in the Funding section of your record, select UberWizard for ORCID, authorize access to your record and claim your grants in the same way as you do your works. The source will be shown as UberResearch.

  4. Connect your existing profiles to your ORCID record. Do you already have a ResearcherID or ScopusID profile? What about Kudos, Loop, Mendeley, or Publons? These and other researcher systems have enabled you to connect information from them to your ORCID record. Each works slightly differently, but in all cases you’ll be offered the option to link your iD to your profile and asked to grant permission to update your ORCID record. No need to rekey the same data! You may find that the same works get added to your ORCID record multiple times; if so, we will automatically group them by identifier. If there is no identifier you can opt to group them manually if you wish. 

Reference: ORCiD blog

How to add my works to my ORCiD profile

There are several tools in ORCID that allow automatic importing of records relating to your research output from linked databases. 
To use the search and link functions, choose Search and Link from the 'Add Works' dropdown menu. 


You will be offered a choice of databases to link to. Choose the one that is most appropriate for your subject area and type of output. 

Tips for importing papers from ResearcherID (Web of Science), SCOPUS,CrossRef, DataCite etc.:

  1. Login to your ORCID record.
  2. Under Works section 
  3. Click on "+Add works" and then "Search & link".
  4. Select  the database from which you need to harvest
    • Eg: SCOPUS , ResearcherID, DataCite, CrossRef etc.
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to send your papers to ORCID.

You can also search for and add papers manually:

  1. Login to your ORCID record. 
  2. Under Works section 
  3. Click "+Add works" under the Works section of your profile.
  4. Enter information manually to add papers to your profile.


Systems Librarian

Profile Photo
Walter Brian Hall
Systems Librarian
5017B Habshan Library
Sas Al Nakhl Campus
+971 (2) 312-3160
Subjects: History

Use your ORCID and see how your research is being used

Several external tools can display metrics information for all items in your ORCID works list:

  • - Europe PMC automatically creates an author profile for you with citations tracking and charts based on information in your ORCID record. Simply search Europe PMC with your ORCID ID and your author profile will come up as the first result.
  • - Sign up for the free trial, add your ORCID and Impact Story will give you citation and usage information for publications listed in your ORCID profile. When new items are added to your ORCID profile they will be automatically added to your Impact Story profile on a weekly basis.