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English Communication: Databases

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List of Library Databases (ENGL 111 level)

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AAAS Science Journals

  • Science Online: 1997- current issue
  • Science Signaling
  • Science Translational Medicine 

Cambridge University Press

The CUP subscription includes all current Cambridge online journals and a 10-year back file.  The collection has broad subject coverage ranging from business to molecular biology and politics.


  • Academic Search Complete (ASC): Indexes and abstracts articles in over 11,900 journals with full-text for 7,900 journal titles. Its broad subject coverage includes the sciences and engineering, the arts, social sciences, and humanities.
  • Applied Science & Technology Source: provides coverage of applied sciences and computing by combining databases from EBSCO Publishing and H.W. Wilson. It has full text for 1,200 journals, with content  from numerous leading trade journals, professional and technical society journals, and conference proceedings.
  • Business Source EliteBusiness Source Elite offers full text for nearly 1,100 business publications and contains expanded PDF backfiles for more than 150 titles (back to 1985 or the first issue published for that journal). More than 10,150 substantial company profiles from MarketLine are also included.
  • ERIC: The Education Resource Information Center (ERIC) provides access to educational literature and resources. This database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
  • GreenFILE: Covers global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Includes full-text.
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts: Indexes journals, books, reports and proceedings in library sciences, online retrieval, information management.
  • Regional Business News: This database provides full-text for 108 business publications, on a regional level, for the United States and Canada. Full-text coverage dating back to 1990.

Elsevier Science Direct

Full-text access to all 2012 and 2013 books.

Covers physics, astronomy, energy, engineering, computer science, materials science, math, environmental science, chemistry, and chemical engineering.

Online journals and archive from 1995 to date

Subject include the Science Direct subscription includes all Elsevier journal articles from 1995 to date.  Subjects include Engineering, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics, Biochemistry and Health Sciences, as well as Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

Emerald e-journals 

A collection of academic journals covering engineering, business, management, health and social care, knowledge management, logistic and environmental management.

Engineering Case Studies Online 

A collection of videos and text material on engineering failures and successes from Alexander Street Press.  Case studies include documentaries, accident reports, lectures, interviews  on incidents such as flight crashes, bridge collapses, nuclear plant failures, automobile design flaws, and the like.

Gale Global Issues in Context (GIC) 

Collections of newspaper articles, podcasts, videos and other resources on global issues such as climate change, obesity, terrorism, etc.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Provides full-text access to all IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) transaction journals, conference proceedings, and standards.


Archival (not current) journals in the Arts and Sciences Collections.

Nature Journals 

The Nature subscription includes all Nature-branded journals for the previous 4 years plus the current year. It also includes Scientific American in pdf format. Nature journals cover biotechnology, chemistry, climate change, energy, genetics, geoscience, medicine, nanotechnology, neuroscience, photonics, and physics. Note that in Ebsco Academic Search Complete, earlier years for some Nature titles are available, as well as Scientific American back to 2005 (html format only). Nature does not provide a way to search subscribed material only. See list of titles included and excluded at


Full-text access to all books from 2005-2014

Subjects include behavioral Sciences, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Economics, Chemistry & Material science Computer Science, Earth & Environmental Science, Engineering Humanities, Social Science & Law Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Physics & Astronomy, Professional and Applied computing. 

e-Journal Core Collection 1997 to date

The Springer e-Journal Core Collectionincludes around 1342 journal titles with access starting in 1997.

Taylor and Francis Online Journals

Access to 1589 journals in science, technology, social sciences, and humanities.