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English Communication: Citing & Referencing

Use this guide to explore resources relating to the study of English & Creative Writing at Khalifa University


What is citing or referencing

Citing or referencing is a consistent method of acknowledging another person's ideas, which you have used, in your own essay or assignment.

Why should you cite or reference

· so that the reader (tutor or lecturer) can locate the sources referred to

· to support your arguments with evidence

· to protect yourself against charges of plagiarism

· to show that you have read widely and researched the topic

· to distinguish your own ideas from those of others

When to cite or reference

Cite your source when you...

Paraphrase from someone else's work

summarize another person's ideas

use direct quotes

refer to the ideas or theories of another person in your assignments.

When not to cite or reference

You do not need to cite when:

·     you are describing your own experiences or observations (you may need to make this clear)

·     the information is common knowledge.

Styles used at Khalifa University

These styles are international standards and have style manuals to refer to for further examples.



Citation Managers

Citation management tools enable researchers to capture bibliographic information about research materials, create bibliographies, add footnotes, and manage research collections. Some citation management tools also make it easy to share references with other researchers