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Research Data Management: Organizations

Data Management for researchers provides a framework for preserving, sharing, and archiving data.

Organizations Worldwide

Data Management's importance to research and funding organizations means countries with strong research funding want to know how researchers are protecting their investment. There are also international organizations looking for agreed, meaningful standards within and across disciplines. The list here is only a fraction of the growing number of data management organizations. 

Research Data Alliance

Research Data Alliance builds bridges for open sharing of data.

Research Data Alliance explores the best repository platforms for meeting various research data needs.

RDC (Research Data Canada)

Research Data Canada strives to make Canadian research data accessible, interoperable, and preserved for use by other researchers. 

Together with CASRAI (see below) RDC has created a glossary of terms and definitions in the field of research data management.


IASSIST supports research and teaching through information technology and data services.


The Council on Library and Information Resources has a community called EScience-EResearch Group EScience-EResearch Group that serves as an information center for news and information on data management. 


CASRAI stands for Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information. It strives to streamline administration for researchers and improve business intelligence capacity.

CASRAI has a standard dictionary of research administration information that contains a glossary for the research data domain. See the glossary at .


Open Science Framework

Open Science Framework is a free, open source cloud software to facilitate research collaboration.


Research data registry

Registry of Research Data Repositories -

Lists over 1,500 data repositories around the globe - the largest registry to date.


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Rani Anand