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Managing your Research profile: Researcher Profile

Managing your Research profile

What is a Researcher Profile?

Your researcher profile is an individual Internet profile that provides a user firendly and efficient way of showcasing your work. Managing your research profile is very imporant to maxmise the  the visibility of all your research and ensure that all your publications are captured and documented. Doing so effectively is increasingly important to your organization,  funding bodies and government and helps to generate research impact.

Having a unique profile:

  • Showcases your work to the world
  • Manages your publications list
  • helps to be identified by potential collaborators
  • helps to avoid misidentification
  • Enables your research output to be attributed to Khalifa University
  • Tracks citation counts
  • Enhances your Khalifa University researcher profile page by including a link to other profiles

Publication data of university

Web of Science
1. Go to Web of Science
2. Search for Khalifa University in the Address field
3. Choose Analyse Results
4. Choose the following options and click Analyse:
   - Rank the records by this field: Authors
   - Set display option: Top 500
   - Sort by: Record count
5. Select each author in the Faculty
6. Select View Records
7. On the results fpage, choose Create Citation Report to generate the graphs and metrics for the Faculty

1. Go to Scopus
2. Click on Affiliation search tab
3. Search for Khalifa University
4. Select all the Khalifa University affiliations
5. Click Show documents
6. Click the box for All to select all results
7. Click View citation overview
8. Enter your email address and the Date Range and a CSV file download will be sent to you

How does a Researcher Profile help you

In an increasingly competitive research and scholarship environment, how do you distinguish yourself from someone? If your institutional affiliation and/or contact information changes, how is the link between you and your scholarly work maintained? The solution is creating a researcher profile.

A profile pulls all your research and publications together in one place, mitigating common problems that often arise in searching.  Such problems can include variations in authors' names or difficulty in narrowing a search down easily when an author has a common name.

If a researcher has worked with multiple granting agencies, research groups, or institutions, a research profile will also make their research easier to find.

Why create Researcher Profile?

Unique author identifiers are useful for the following reasons:

  1. Researchers want to find potential collaborators, and want an easier way to get credit for their scholarly activities
  2. Institutions want to collect, showcase and evaluate the scholarly activities of their faculty
  3. Publishers want to simplify the publishing workflow, including peer review
  4. Funding organizations want to simplify the grant submission workflow and want to track what happened to the research they funded
  5. Scholarly societies want an easier way to track the achievements of their members

Create your own Researcher profiles using ORCID, Google scholar, Web of Science & SCOPUS

Create your Researcher ID s


  • ORCID  (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers. The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individuals, who may obtain an ORCID, manage their record of activities, and search for others in the Registry.  Researchers can import their existing publications indexed in Web of Science and Scopus to their ORCID ID via the "Import Research Activities" link in their ORCID record.


  • Scopus: Author Identifier  
    Every author in Scopus is automatically assigned an Author ID number.


  • Google Scholar
    Click on My Citations to set up an account and collect all your publications appearing in Google Scholar into your account.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Rani Anand