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Khalifa University Libraries

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These are the Circulation Desk phone numbers for each of the libraries at Khalifa University. You may also contact library staff by using the Comment/Suggestion Form page.

Library Phone Number
Main Campus Library  +971 (2) 312-4604
Habshan Library
Sas Al Nakhl Campus
+971 (2) 312-3160
Library Service Email Address
General Library Services Inquiries
Library Circulation

    (for checkouts, patron record, etc.)
Library Reference

    (reference enquiries)
Suggest New Materials
Interlibrary Loan

   (status of holds, borrow from another library, etc.)

Medical Librarian

    (for all enquires about medical resources)

AskUs is a service that allows you to chat in realtime with a Reference Librarian; just enter your name below and click Start Chat to begin.  A librarian will be with you shortly to help you with your research needs.

If no librarian is available, you can still search our FAQ database to see if there is an answer to your question already. Or you can send your question to us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


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