American Geosciences Institute
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
International Palaeoentomological Society
Australian Institute of Petroleum
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)
Center For Global Energy Studies
European Petroleum Industry Association (EUROPIA)
Formation Evaluation Society of Australia (FESAus)
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Society of Petroleum Engineers
These are a few helpful Petroleum Engineering related websites:
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Department of Mineral Sciences - Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Department of Mines and Petroleum
Minerals Council of Australia (MCA)
The Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary
UAE. National Statistics Office.
United States. Energy Information Administration.
Official energy statistics from the US government on petroleum prices, reserves, production, refining and processing, trade, consumption, and sales. Includes some international data.
Detailed international data on oil, energy prices and taxes, energy technology research and development, world energy statistics and balances, and forecasts from energy policies. For forecasts, also see World Energy Outlook.
Oil & Gas etrack
Detailed statistical reports on exploration and production in the oil and gas industries.
Proquest Statistical Datasets
Includes petroleum production and pricing data from a variety of sources.
American Petroleum Institute. Average price of gasoline at the pump, the countries the U.S. imports of oil and product from, state motor fuel tax rates.
World Development Indicators
Economic, social adn environmental data, including oil and gas production and consumption. Data as early as 1960.
World Resources Institute (environmental think tank)
Includes datasets on energy and resources including oil and petroleum products.
OPEC -- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Statistics and Tables
Annual statistical report / Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
BP Statistical Review of World Energy
IEA Statistics & Balances OECD Member Countries
Middle East and Central Asia databook / edited by Edwards Economic Research Inc.
UNdata Energy Statistics Database
Standards are codes of best practice containing technical specifications and guidelines. They are used to ensure uniformity and consistency, reliability and safety and provide a quality benchmark.
Many standards are produced by national bodies, but some are produced internationally or by industry.
Provides access to the full text of IEEE standards from 1988.
WSSN - World Standards Service Network
World Standards Services Network (WSSN), is a network of publicly accessible standards organisations around the world. WSSN provides information on international, regional and national standardisation and provides direct links to the web sites of many standards organisations.
Please note – this is NOT a full-text service.
NSSN - Search Engine for Standards
The NSSN search engine gives access to information from standards organisations from around the world. Please note – this is NOT a full-text service.
Provides links to various free online standards and related information, particularly in the areas of Health and Safety and Construction.
Provides links to publicly available catalogues and online standards stores. Not full-text.
Provides access to an index of worldwide industry codes and standards. Not full-text.
The Library does not hold copies of patents, but many are freely available in full text from the patents sites listed below.
Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemical Directory
Search by products, equipment, services support, and corporate information.
GCC countries. Search for company, brands, services and products.
View and download images from the vast collections of geological photographs in the British Geological Survey.
U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library
This site is designed to provide free viewing and downloading of the entire USGS photographic collection.
Earth Science World Image Bank
Photographs of all aspects of earth science available to the public, educators, and the geoscience community.
Includes Landsat and Shaded relief images of U.S. States and images from their Earth as Art displays.
Landsat Missions Image Gallery
This site can be used to access images from the Landsat satellites, which have collected Earth observations and remote sensing imagery since 1972.
Weather and space images, images of the Earth's shores and coastal seas.