These apps are freely available. Some provide the option to access full-text content that is available through the Petroleum Library subscriptions. Click on the information icon next to the links for instructions.
eGeo Compas (Android)
Digital compass for geology.
Designed for the use in field surveys by geologists and engineers
Geologic Time Scale (Android)
Handy reference application based on the USGS's 2010 Geologic Time Scale.
Rocklogger (Android)
Rocklogger is a geological tool for measuring the orientation of rock outcrops. It uses the phone's compass and orientation sensors to measure dip and dip direction, or dip and strike, in a single click.
Field Assets (iOS)
Field Assets is the ultimate field data collection application for the iPhone and iPod touch that enables the user to record the location of assets and to enter information on attributes of assets in the field. The user also has the option of taking geo referenced photos and recording voice memos of assets.
Folds and Faults HD (iOS)
Folds and Faults HD provides an illustrated overview of two significant topics in geology: folds and faults. Understanding folds and faults helps to explain how mountains form, how layers of rock change shape over time, and the underlying cause of earthquakes.
geotimescale (iOS)
Need a quick reference to the geologic time scale of Earth's history? Find out, for example, when dinosaurs ruled the world or when reptiles first appeared. This is an excellent reference for students, educators, professional geologists, or anyone interested in geology.
Strike and Dip (iOS)
Take strike & dip measurements, bearings, plunge, and all that geological goodness, while simultaneously getting your latitude, longitude, and elevation. Choose between azimuth and quadrant formats for bearings, and three formats for coordinates.
Terraphone (iOS)
Minerals, rocks and fossils, location awareness.
GeoPlot (iOS)
Receive, review, annotate and share LAS well logs.
iGeoLog (iOS)
Excellent for drawing geological cross sections.
AGI's classic glossary.
What is a podcast?
It's a package of multimedia files that can be downloaded from the Internet and played on a computer or mobile device.
These are some useful Petroleum Geosciences podcasts: