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Khalifa University Libraries

Library Instruction Request

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The Khalifa University Libraries reference librarians regularly welcome class groups to attend informative presentations in our Library Instruction Rooms.

The purpose of such classes is to provide students with information regarding catalog searching, database searching, and the evaluation of information resources for research purposes. At the end of class, students will have gained knowledge in the areas of research skills, information literacy, and critical thinking. Students will also be familiarized with the newest and best information resources in their subject area.

Please complete the form to request an instructional session for your class. The more information librarians receive regarding the related coursework or research assignment, the easier it is for reference librarians to craft tailored and effective instruction sessions. The librarians ask for at least one week’s prior notice, for scheduling and planning purposes.

To request a session, just visit the request page, pick the date, location and time you would like, and fill in the short form. A librarian will get back to you to confirm the session.

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