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Khalifa University Libraries

Self-Check Machines

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Khalifa University Libraries have acquired four new Self-Check machines to help our patrons to be able to more quickly and easily manage their library tasks. There are three of these machines at the Main Campus Library, one on each floor (1st, 2nd, and 3rd), and one at Habshan Library, on the Ground Floor. The machines are all located near the library entrance of those floors. Using these machines, you accomplish the following library tasks without having to get assistance from library staff members:

How to Borrow Items Using Self-Check

  1. From the Self-check menu, select "Checkout"

  2. Scan your KU ID's barcode by passing it through the red laser on pad below the screen:

  3. Place the item(s) that you want to borrow on the scanning pad below the screen. Do not scan the barcodes with the laser; just set the book(s) on the pad. You may place more than one item on the pad at a time.

  4. Leave the item(s) on the pad until the system confirms that the checkout process is complete. This will be shown on the screen when all items have turned green and a due date is listed.

  5. When you have processed all the items that you want to borrow, click the "Done" button on the screen.
  6. You will be given an option to print a paper receipt. If you want a printed receipt, click the "Print Receipt" button. The machine will print your receipt and it will be dispensed to the right of the scanning pad.

  7. You may now take the item(s) off the pad. The process is now complete. You should receive an email confirmation of the item(s) that you checked out, along with the due date of each.
  8. If the machine cannot check out the item, it will display a red-highlighted error. If this happens, please contact a library staff member to resolve this issue.


How to Return Items Using Self-Check

  1. Select "Check-in" from the screen.
  2. Set the item(s) that you want to return on the pad under the screen. You don't have to scan the barcode, just place the books on the pad. You can place more than one item on the pad at a time.
  3. The system will scan each item and check them in. When the screen highlights the title in green, the item has been returned in the system.
  4. After system checks in the item(s), please place all the items on the nearby cart or shelf.


How to View Your Account Using Self-Check

  1. Select "Renew" from the main menu on the screen.
  2. Scan the barcode of your KU
  3. After you login, you will see a screen that shows how many items you have currently checked out, how many holds you currently have, and any fees that you owe the library for lost items.
  4. If you click on the "Items Out" button, you will see a list of all items out, with their titles and due dates. You will also have the chance to renew any items out.
  5. If you click holds, you will be able to manage your holds, including cancelling any that you no longer need.
  6. You can click the "Print/Email Report' button to print out a list of your items that are currently checked out. The receipt printer to the right of the screen will print out your list of items.
  7. When you are finished reviewing your account, click "Done" to logout of the system.

How to Renew Items Using Self Check

  1. Select "Renew" from the main menu on the screen.
  2. Scan the barcode of your KU
  3. This screen will display a list of items that you currently have checked out. Select items by clicking the checkbox to the left of the title, or click the "Select All" button to select all the items.
  4. When you have selected your items, click "Renew Selected"
  5. If the item(s) renews successfully, the title will be highlighted in green, and the due date will be updated.
  6. If the item cannot be renewed, a red highlighted error will display. In this case you should contact a library staff member for more assistance.
  7. When you have finished renewing your items, click the "Done" button to finish.


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