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Senior Design: Design & information seeking

Integrating information research and design

ASEE 2013 Paper Award

"Knowledge enabled engineering design: toward an integrated model"

by Michael Fosmire and David Radcliffe at Purdue University.

Now a book!  

Integrating information into the engineering design process, Michael Fosmire and David Radcliffe, eds, Purdue University Press, 2014.

Abu Dhabi book stacks, T10.7 .I58 2014


Useful concepts from the Fosmire/Radcliffe paper

Table 2 in the paper matches phases in the design process with the types of information-seeking that are needed.

  1. In forming your design team, know the knowledge level and information-seeking capabilities of its members.

  2. In outlining your project, know the context (historical, environmental, economic, social etc) and regulations or codes to comply with.

  3. In determining your design options, look at prior art.  Information seeking is general in nature.

  4. In specifying your design, what are the specs, standards, technologies that you need?

  5. In designing, what properties or products do you need?  Information needs are more specific.

  6. In communicating your design, what information do you need to document it?  What is the best way to present the information?

Read the full paper for full discussion of the role that information seeking plays in the design process.

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Rani Anand