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Google DOCs: Start Here

This is a quick simple guide to introduce Google Documents and other Google Docs services


Google Docs is a free web-based application in which documents and spreadsheets can be created , edited and stored online. Documents saved in Google Docs can be accessed from any device anywhere. Using Google Docs allows users to create, edit, and share any document in various formats. Google Docs is compatible with almost all word processor and presentation software applications. With Google Docs users can share and control according to their likes. Google Docs has the ability to collaborate with multiple users at the same time  and from different locations. Documents saved in Google Docs are stored online and on other users computers, so the ability to completely lose any of these documents is minimized.


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Walter Brian Hall
Systems Librarian
5017B Habshan Library
Sas Al Nakhl Campus
+971 (2) 312-3160
Subjects: History

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