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Copy of Institutional Repository

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What is an institutional repository?

An institutional repository is a centralized location to collect, store and distribute electronic copies of all the academic, research and intellectual output of a university or other institution. 

Current status

Prior to the establishment of the Khalifa University of Science and Technology in February 2017, each of its three constituent universities had established and still maintain their own repositories. The Petroleum Institute (PI), Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (MI) and the Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) had made different editorial decisions about what content to store within their repository.

KUSTAR primarily stored senior design projects, with some other items, such as some faculty publications and other academic material included. The KUSTAR repository can be accessed at this URL:

MI exclusively stored the theses and dissertations of its students. The site is password protected and limited to those with Masdar credentials, and can be accessed at

PI exclusively stored citations and links to faculty publications. The repository has been given the name "Hikma" (حكمة, which means "wisdom" in Arabic). The site can be accessed by anyone at this URL:

Future of the Repository

A committee has been created and assigned the job of merging the three repositories during the current academic year. As soon as that work is complete, the three previous repositories will be shut down and the unified repository will be launched.

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