1. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
2. Advances in Applied Mechanics
3. International Journal of Plasticity
4. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
5. IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
6. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
7. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture
8. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
9. Applied Thermal Engineering
10. Journal of Electromechanical Systems
11. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
12. Experiments in Fluids
13. Wear
14. International Journal of Thermal Sciences
15. Tribology International
16. Tribology Letters
17. Nonlinear Dynamics
18. International Journal of Fatigue
19. International Journal of Refrigeration – Revue Internationale du Froid
20. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
A listing of helpful Mechanical Engineering websites is available.