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Open Acesss Publishing: Taylor & Francis

New Open Access Services Guidelines

Taylor & Francis

Open Access Publishing with Taylors & Francis 

Khalifa University has reached an agreement with Taylors & Francis that will allow KU authors to publish journal articles in T&F journals that meet the guidelines as set by the KU administration. This agreement does not affect the basics of the publication process. An author must still submit their paper to a journal and it must still be accepted, pass editing, and the peer review process. Once the article has been accepted, the APC (article publication charges) will be paid by the university. This agreement became active on 1 January 2023.

While not required, the system works most easily when the corresponding author is affiliated with KU and uses their KU email address to communicate with the publishers. This allows the publisher to automatically make the request to KU for APC payment.

OA Publishing Processing

Taylor & Francis provides several tools to help authors who want to published with them, including:


The publisher has put together a very helpful presentation on the steps of the author workflow that you can download from here.

The library is working to schedule a workshop that will provide more information as well as giving our authors a chance to ask any questions that they might have. We hope to announce this session soon.

Library Events

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Khalifa University OA Policy