Khalifa University has reached an agreement with PLOS that will allow KU authors to publish an unlimited number of journal articles in eight PLOS journals. This agreement does not affect the basics of the publication process. An author must still submit their paper to a journal and it must still be accepted, pass editing, and the peer review process. Once the article has been accepted, the APC (article publication charges) will be paid by the university. This agreement became active on 1 January 2022.
Unlike our other agreements, the agreement with PLOS requires that the corresponding author be a KU author in order for the university to be able to pay the APC for articles.
Directions for submitting OA articles to PLOS
These eight journals are included in our agreement. Any article accepted by these journals will have its APC paid for by the university, provided that the article's corresponding author is from KU. The corresponding author does not need to be the primary author, only the author that is the one that is corresponding with the publisher.
The follow journals are included in the publishing agreement: